GnuPG is a solid implementation for PGP. for Mau to have it as part of the specification will introduce some advantages and disadvantages along with it.
Implementer must learn GPG CLI if they’re going to invoke the process from their application
If the implementer doesn’t want to invoke gpg in their process they will have to use GpgME C library or a binding for their language. which is not a simple library to use
For platforms that doesn’t have gpg installed the implementation will either
use GpgME or the system keyring services.
or use the system keyring/keystore service. which is different for Android and iOS. this will open the door for guessing the implementation between different applications trying to reuse the same account for different data types
Or compile GpgME library for the target platform. which is a huge effort for a developer
Storing account information separate from the content data so backing up an account is a different process than backing up the content
in case of invoking gpg it will cause slowdown compared to using linked/static library